An informative seminar of the Office for European Affairs has been held in Ruma, within the framework of the informative campaign for Cross-border Cooperation (CBC) Programmes. Ruma Municipality is included in the Hungary-Serbia CBC Programme, as well as in the programmes which are about to start: Croatia – Serbia CBC Programme, Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina CBC Programme, South East Europe (SEE) Programme and Adriatic Programme with Italy.

The seminar was attended by the representatives of local self-government, furthermore, economic, educational, tourist, cultural, sports and economic organisations and NGOs from the territory of the district covered by the CBC Programmes. The representatives of the Office for European Affairs, Sanja Čuturilov, Andrija Aleksić and Igor Bajić addressed the attendees and presented the CBC Programmes, which would be accessible to our country in the course of the year, and the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, with an emphasis on visa relaxations and free trade zone to be established gradually. The greatest number of direct questions were related to the new rules of procedure for application for CBC Programmes, advance project financing, co-financing rate, prospects for partner search, etc.