Vojvodina among European Regional Champions

The European Regional Champions Awards have been developed by the Committee of the Regions (CoR) of the European Union and the Parliament Magazine, and champions are nominated in different categories each year.

”I am very pleased and honoured that this year the Executive Council, headed by PhD Bojan Pajtic, has been nominated and shortlisted for the European Regional Champions Awards in the category of Intercultural Dialogue, together with colleagues from Bristol, United Kingdom, Malta, and Italy. It is certainly a great European acknowledgement of what the province has done to maintain understanding and tolerance among nations and a large number of national minorities in the country. It is also Brussels’ acknowledgement of the provincial administration’s strategic decision to use all the resources at our disposal for improving the quality of education in minority languages and providing support for creativity in literature and other areas. We in Vojvodina are ‘united in difference’ and that makes us strong. I do expect that this award and acknowledgement will be a basis for the development of a series of new projects that would be financed from local and EU IPA funds, and that is also partly my task”, said Predrag Novikov, Director of the Office for European Affairs, upon the news that the Executive Council of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina has been shortlisted.