Vojvodina in European projects to combat Ambrosia Artemisiifolia

Upon the invitation of the Government of the Italian region of Veneto, the representatives of the Office for European Affairs visited the Veneto Region Brussels’s Office, where there was a press conference on finding possible solutions and developing European projects on environmental protection and health, i.e. combating the diffusion of Ambrosia pollen. On this occasion, presentations were given by the representatives of Vojvodina, Government of Veneto, Croatian institutions, Directorate General for Health and Consumers of the European Commission and European Parliament.

“Bearing in mind the fact that a great number of citizens of Vojvodina and of the whole country suffer from hay fever caused by ambrosia, it is in our interest to create projects by joining and unifying the activities of regional partners in order to tackle this significant problem in a most efficient way. The challenge we are facing today crosses borders. Therefore, it is very important that after this initial meeting, relevant institutions in the country, in coordination with the Provincial Secretariat for Environmental Protection, do their utmost to help our citizens. The reason why we have assembled in Brussels within the framework of the Open Days, which gathers more than 250 regions and cities of the EU, is to bring the phenomenon to closer media attention in the European capital and try lobbying for more substantial European funds allocated for this issue. On the other hand, Vojvodina is once again promoting itself as an active and reliable partner in tackling this problem and similar ones. Likewise, this project and other European ones show that we can do a lot for good cause through regional cooperation and with the support of European funds.”