Vojvodina provides assistance to the rest of the country

Novi Sad, 12 November – The Office for European Affairs has organized a training session on the use of IPA funds and the importance of regional cooperation. The participants were members of the following municipalities: Golubac, Kladovo, Knjaževac, Niš, Malo Crniće, Dimitrovgrad, Leskovac, Trgovište, Vlasotince and Lebane. “The strategic approach of the Executive Council of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the Office for European Affairs aims to transfer their knowledge on the use of IPA funds to the rest of the country. We do not want to accumulate our knowledge selfishly, because we believe that the EU brings well-being. The extent to which that good will reach our country depends solely on us. We have invited you today to see whether you are aware of all the prospects regional cooperation and the EU IPA funds offer“, said Predrag Novikov, Director of the Office for European Affairs, at the opening of the meeting.

Andrija Aleksić, Office for European Affairs, held a presentation on the CBC programme in which our country is currently included and prepared a report on the inclusion into IPA funds. Mrs. Snežana Repac, Assistant Director of the Development Fund, presented the Development Fund, whereas Goran Vasić, Director of the Guarantee Fund, talked about the capacities of the Guarantee Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina.