Teachers of Vojvodina in visit to their Swedish colleagues

Novi Sad, 21 August – Ten persons from Vojvodinian places of Irig and Indjija will be paying a five-day visit to Sweden next week, within the framework for cooperation between the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the Swedish region of Halland, and through the Office for European Affairs and Swedish association, ABF. The programme of liberal adult education, which is a Swedish model adopted in all Europe, is successfully being implemented in those two places. The model involves continuous education in different areas, which are of importance to people, so that they could make progress in their lives and careers. As a part of the cooperation, the Swedes are organizing English and computer courses in Irig and Indjija this year and the following one. ”Teachers of elementary schools and students who have already been implementing the programme of liberal adult education successfully will be visiting schools and associations of persons with disabilities. The planning of the following three-year project is ongoing and we believe that direct insight into the work of Swedish colleagues is the best way for the teachers of Vojvodina to learn something more about this type of education. It is important to mention that all the expenses of their stay in Sweden will be borne by the hosts”, said Predrag Novikov, Director of the Office for European Affairs.During their stay in the city of Halmstad, the guests from Vojvodina will visit the municipality of Halmstad, which representatives have already paid an official visit to the Executive Council of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina.
Cooperation between the two regions is being realized through the programmes in the following areas: education, establishing business relations, work with young people, sport and culture.