A Protocol on Cooperation between the European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the High Court in Novi Sad was signed

In the premises of the High Court in Novi Sad, a Protocol on Cooperation was signed between the High Court in Novi Sad and the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina. The signing was attended by the President of the Court Miroslav Alimpić and his associates, as well as the Director of the European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Aleksandar Simurdić and his associates. The working meeting preceding the signing identified the need for cooperation and coordination between the High Court and the Fund, when it comes to coordination, guidance and support of activities related to the harmonization of policies, regulations, procedures and standards in the field of justice and basic rights and justice, freedom, security and the rule of law, in order to fulfill the obligations and achieve the goals of the Republic of Serbia in the process of accession to the European Union.
Also, the need for joint action in the field of strengthening institutional capacities, improving transparency and accessibility of justice to citizens, important for meeting the criteria for negotiating chapters 23 – judicial reform and 24 – justice, freedom and security, was emphasized. One of the proposed forms of more concrete cooperation is the idea of joint organization of conferences and round tables in the field of justice, which will be realized during the next year. On this occasion, representatives in charge of mutual communication and exchange of information were appointed, who will maintain contact on a regular basis in order to coordinate the above activities.