Preparations for the 17th edition of European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels started

Preparations for the 17th edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities (ENRG), which will be held in Brussels from October 7-10 this year, have started with the first working meeting of more than 150 regional representatives, attended also by the representatives of AP Vojvodina in Brussels.

In the year of EU elections, according to the organizers, this year’s ENRG will be the most important event in which regions and cities from all over Europe will have the opportunity to present achievements and different policies to newly elected decision-makers in the European Union. After comprehensive consultations, the three main topics selected for this year’s event are the following: The Future of the EU and the roles of Regions and Cities, A Europe Closer to Citizens, A greener Europe.

The representatives of AP Vojvodina expect great participation and promotion of the province in Brussels this year as well, especially given the fact that at the EWRC 2018, AP Vojvodina was presented all four days of the largest meeting of representatives of local and regional authorities in Europe. The deadline for the application of the partnership is end of March, and this year AP Vojvodina expects traditionally good cooperation and joint promotion with European partners.

Official website of ENRG 2019: