CIVEX Commission Meeting, CoR, Brussels, 19.04.2016

At the meeting of the CIVEX Commission, Committee of Regions (CoR), on 19th April 2016, Francois Decoster was elected as the CIVEX Chair, who informed the members of the working plan.

In accordance with the agenda, the advisory opinion of the EU Enlargement Strategy 2015-16, by Rapporteur Anna Magyar (HU / EPP) was adopted. After the Commission’s voting on the amendments, the advisory opinion was planned to be adopted during the CoR plenary session in Brussels on 15th and 16th June 2016.


During the meeting, the members opened a strategic debate on migration. Among the speakers were Ana Gomez, MEP, Belinda Pyke, Director for Migration and Mobility, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission, Christine Roger, Director General Justice and Home Affairs, Council of the EU, Stephan Kreutzer and Jack Malan, Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services.


During the session, the Subsidiarity Annual Report 2015 was presented by the Michael Schneiderm, Chair of the CoR Subsidiarity Steering Group, emphasizing that subsidiarity should become a matter of culture of each society, with continuous improvement. Sajjad Karim, EP rapporteur on subsidiarity, spoke about the 2016 work plan in that area, involving also the digital strategy, strengthening of the common market in the sphere of services (construction and business services, intellectual and media services). As its author, he said that he expected the new EP subsidiarity report until 26th June 2016.

During the meeting, the draft opinion “Combatting Radicalisation and Violent Extremism: Prevention mechanisms at local and regional level” was discussed and adopted. The rapporteur was Bartolomeus (Bart) Somers (BE/ALDE), who emphasized that all stakeholders at the European, national, regional and local level should be aware of their responsibilities in combatting radicalization.

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