Novikov in Brussels before OPEN DAYS

Predrag Novikov, Director of European Affairs Fund – AP Vojvodina is in visit to Brussels, where he has a number of meetings at regional representation offices. “After my meeting with Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Regional Policy, the European Affairs Fund – AP Vojvodina is starting a new initiative to connect with partner regions all over Europe. In the following days, we are having meetings with colleagues from Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden and other countries. The topic of discussion will be realisation of joint projects, which are to be financed through EU funds. This is the right moment for that, because the annual event, OPEN DAYS, gathering over 240 regions all over Europe, is about to start here in Brussels.


As in previous years, our province is present where decisions are made. At over 130 conferences, seminars and meetings, European officials will define the prospects of future cohesion and development policy and the role of regions and cities in the implementation of European priorities. Of course, Vojvodina’s, as well as the whole country’s, interest is to use the existing opportunities and to get involved in European projects in a most qualitative way, especially in the fields which are already European priorities, and which are the following: employment, competence, new technologies and innovation, education, rural development, environmental protection and similar. Special importance has also been given to initiatives for territorial and cross-brooder cooperation and creation of new macro-regions, where our country, the Republic of Serbia, already has good prospects”, said Novikov. He also reminded of the fact that the presentation of our province at the Baden-Württemberg Representation, one of the greatest German regions, in the previous years had been well visited, and that it had performed well in several earlier OPEN DAYS.