About new activities cooperation and projects with the Provincial Secretariat for Economy and Tourism

NOVI SAD, December 23, 2020 – The meeting of the Provincial Secretary for Economy and Tourism, Dr. Nenad Ivanišević, with the Director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Aleksandar Simurdić, in the presence of closest associates, was marked by mutual support and defining new directions of joint action. and cooperation, as well as opening new opportunities for cooperation on important strategic projects in the coming period.

Secretary Ivanišević pointed out to the participants that there are certain aspects in the Secretariat within which there will be significant changes, more precisely in the focus of work, especially in terms of providing support to local governments.
“We want to improve the competition for telecommunications intended for local self-governments, which pointed out that this area is of great importance to them and that they need it.” With the Tourist Organization of Vojvodina, we intend to engage in the formation of local tourist organizations where they have not been formed and to provide assistance to existing ones, because they greatly help and encourage the development of local tourism. Also, helping the economy is one of our priorities in addition to all the above, and better defining the social and creative economy so that all implemented activities in the most efficient way lead to such a result that the value and effects of these competitions are at the highest and highest quality level. We will certainly go through those programs of the European Union that support social dialogue, because there is no awareness of the importance of this concept, “said Secretary Ivanišević.
From January 2021, FEP will conduct a thorough mapping of resources and potentials in all 45 local self-government units on the territory of AP Vojvodina, and with a matrix of parameters prepared in advance, key thematic areas on the basis of which a project consortium would be formed.

NOVI SAD, December 23, 2020 – The meeting of the Provincial Secretary for Economy and Tourism, Dr. Nenad Ivanišević, with the Director of the European Affairs Fund  of AP Vojvodina, Aleksandar Simurdić, in the presence of closest associates, was marked by mutual support and defining new directions of joint action. and cooperation, as well as opening new opportunities for cooperation on important strategic projects in the coming period.

Secretary Ivanišević pointed out to the participants that there are certain aspects in the Secretariat within which there will be significant changes, more precisely in the focus of work, especially in terms of providing support to local governments.
“We want to improve the competition for telecommunications intended for local self-governments, which pointed out that this area is of great importance to them and that they need it.” With the Tourist Organization of Vojvodina, we intend to engage in the formation of local tourist organizations where they have not been formed and to provide assistance to existing ones, because they greatly help and encourage the development of local tourism. Also, helping the economy is one of our priorities in addition to all the above, and better defining the social and creative economy so that all implemented activities in the most efficient way lead to such a result that the value and effects of these competitions are at the highest and highest quality level. We will certainly go through those programs of the European Union that support social dialogue, because there is no awareness of the importance of this concept, “said Secretary Ivanišević.
From January 2021, FEP will conduct a thorough mapping of resources and potentials in all 45 local self-government units on the territory of AP Vojvodina, and with a matrix of parameters prepared in advance, key thematic areas on the basis of which a project consortium would be formed.

“There are many topics that are important and current for Vojvodina, and which improve the quality of life. The thematic units that will be taken into account are transport, energy, environmental protection, rural development, economy, agriculture, with special emphasis on food production, and in that light it is necessary to see how the economy could be put in focus within FEP activities. We cannot work on strengthening the institutional, administrative capacities of local self-government units without neglecting economic activity,”

Simurdić pointed out, adding that the Fund will wholeheartedly assist the Secretariat in developing topics, ideas and concepts within all activities of the Secretariat.
Simurdic also added that there are numerous resources, both economic and especially tourist, which are not recognized in their full potential and capacity. Given that there are many aspects for cooperation, the Secretariat would jointly implement activities related to the project “Best of Vojvodina” with joint ideas and activities with the FEP, which would be revitalized as a project. The intention is for the Secretariat for Economy to work more intensively with key partners through individual talks and exchange of information and experiences.

Source: taken from the website of the Provincial Secretariat for Economy and Tourism (www.spriv.vojvodina.gov.rs/index.php/vesti/81-vesti-cirilica/1482-2020-12-23-14-01-04)