Protocol on cooperation with the Provincial Institute for Sports and Sports Medicine was signed

Vidosava Enderić, director of the Fund “European Affairs” of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and Dr. Danijel Župić, director of the Provincial institute for Sports and Sports Medicine, signed today the Protocol on cooperation between these two institutions.

The basic guidelines for future cooperation are the establishment of procedures for improving cooperation and coordination between the Fund “European Affairs” AP Vojvodina and the Provincial Institute for Sports and Sports Medicine through: connecting the provincial administration and relevant entities for general development and promotion of sports and its affirmation domestically and internationally plan; creation and implementation of European projects; education of personnel and management for the needs of European integration; harmonization of own programs, projects and activities in the field of European integration – in order to achieve and ensure common interests; cooperation in informing the public about the use of pre-accession and other development policy instruments; promotion of European values and regional policy as a development instrument and cooperation with relevant international and domestic institutions.

The meeting, within which the Protocol was signed, was also attended by Maja Grabovac, legal affairs advisor, Mihailo Miletić, specialist for professional and R&D work in sports, as well as Zoran Pavić and Senka Bengin, representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina.