The first project partner meeting under the “Supporting Democratic Union and Active Citizenship in Digital Era – DIGITAL“ project

A four-day meeting between the partners under the “Supporting Democratic Union and Active Citizenship in Digital Era – DIGITAL“  project was held in an Italian town, Penne.

On that occasion, a Conference “Digital Democracy, Technological Achievements and Manner in which They Shape Local and EU Democracy“ in which numerous Italian experts participated. Among others, Ms Lorenza Di Vincenzo – commissioner of European politics,  Lawyer Mr Sandro Di Minco – professor of European computer law and new technologies in Rome, Prof. Enzo Fimiani – University of Studies “Gabriele d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara, as well as Mr Giovanni Marcantonio – operational manager of the Development Agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Chieti spoke at the Conference. A round table was also held on the topic of digital technology and their impact on democracy, and also discussion with partners.

During the third day, partners paid a visit to the Chamber of Commerce of Chieti-Pescara with the representatives of NGOs.

On the last day, partners discussed the upcoming events and activities which are expected in the project.