Brussels Infoday of the European Commission held within the Erasmus Sport Programme

The Infoday was held In Brussels on 30 January 2020 aimed at informing actors about the Erasmus Sport + programme. Vidosava Enderić, Director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, and her associate Branislav Srdić attended the Conference organised by the European Commission, i.e. the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
The Conference is intended for future applicants within the Erasmus + programme, to familiarize them more with the context of the policies covered by the programme, the application itself, the methods and tips for successfully obtaining funding in the field of sports. Of particular importance for the entities from Serbia, i.e. AP Vojvodina, is that the Republic of Serbia has been among programme countries since 2019, which means that entities have the same status as entities from EU Member States.
During the previous year, this opportunity was used by several entities with a total of almost one million euros to be spent on sports promotion in the Republic of Serbia. The largest project is the one written by the University of Novi Sad to whom more than 30% of the funds were allocated. The University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Sport and Physical Education is the leader in the project funded by the European Commission callede Sport for Health, which has, during the Conference, been publicly commended by the European Commision representatives, and also EACEA.
The Director Enderić emphasized that she is absolutely satisfied with the success that the project from Vojvodina has accomplished, that this project is the result of diligent and devoted work, as well as the good cooperation and support that the Fund and Vojvodina European Office offered during the preparation and applying for the European funds.