A training course in the municipality of Kula

The representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina have held a three-day training course “EU Funding Opportunities“ in the municipality of Kula for the staff of the mayor’s office, moreover, employees of the Office for Local and Regional Development, Human Resources Department, Department for Public Procurement, Department for Investment and Environmental Protection, Local Tax Administration, Secondary School of Economics and Trade of Kula, Grammar School of Ruski Krstur, Local Action Group “Srce Bačke”, Association “Eko Kula” and Association for Assistance to Persons with Mental Disorders “Plava ptica” of Kula.

At the beginning, the EU programmes and Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, with focus on the INTERREG IPA CBC Programmes, were presented. The training course centered on project proposal development using the logical framework approach and logical matrix, first in theory, then by gaining hands-on experience, within which the overall and specific objectives, activities, results, indicators, sources of verification and project risks were defined. On the last day of the training course, the participants learned about project budgeting, which they mastered in practice by means of a series of examples.