Visits to greenhouses witih the Agrinno project

Within the implementation of the international Agrinno project, which is being implemented by the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina and its partners, working visits to secondary agricultural schools in Ruma, Vršac and Futog have taken place this week, where state-of-the-art greenhouses have been installed.

The agricultural school in Futog was visited jointly by Vuk Radojević PhD, Provincial Secretary for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, and Miloš Vučević, Mayor of Novi Sad.

The Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture is, for the first time, the Lead Beneficiary in an international project that, as Radojević pointed out, aims to improve the dual education of pupils in agricultural schools in the province using state-of-the-art equipment.

Radojević reminded of the fact that the experimental greenhouses within the framework of the project, co-financed under the Interred IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia 2014-2020, had been installed at the secondary agricultural schools in Ruma and Vršac, as well as the experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, in addition to the one at the Agricultural School in Futog.

“The project is being implemented thanks to the partners from the Csongrád County in Hungary, the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina and the Novi Sad Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, who have recognized the idea. By 30 November, we will have fully implemented the project, which total value exceeds EUR 325,000”, said the provincial secretary of agriculture.

“We have formed three incubators in three agricultural schools. One greenhouse is worth EUR 14,000 and it is at the disposal of all young farmers to help them improve their production and vegetable production capacities. More than 250 interested greenhouse growers have responded to a public call for proposals within the agricultural schools where they have been set”, said Radojević, adding that it was possible to grow different types of vegetables at the greenhouses for 12 months using state-of-the-art mobile applications that regulated the temperature and humidity of land and the air.

Milos Vučević, Mayor of Novi Sad, emphasized that the greenhouse was an excellent novelty, not only for the school but for the whole community as well.

“The city is certainly a partner in all these processes and we are striving to expand our range of support to farmers in Novi Sad. I believe that the Futog Agricultural School will have an answer to all the challenges that are awaiting us. The pupils of this school, which is at the same time a small factory, have access to all the technologies, know-how and modern science that they will need to have mastered once they start doing what they have been educated for. We need to animate young people so that they enroll at agricultural schools and faculties, to present them the profession as interesting and cost-effective. It is up to us to constantly improve the quality and capacity, not only of schools, but also of their know-how and skills, so that one day they would be masters of these processes”, said Mayor Vučević.