Two info days about tenders for projects information and media

As part of the Creative Europe program, three calls for tenders have been opened for institutions and organizations in the field of information and media, and that:
Public call for media partnership projects – cooperation (deadline April 27),
Public call for media partnership projects – pluralism (deadline April 27),
Public call for media literacy projects (deadline March 30).
Support is intended for projects that contribute to the sustainability of organizations and the employment of professionals in the field of information and media, imply the development of skills and the establishment of cross-border cooperation, as well as projects that are of particular importance for democracy and social participation, and the development of digital and media literacy.
In order to prepare for the application as successfully as possible, the Creative Europe Serbia Desk is organizing two info days in Belgrade, on Monday, February 13 and Tuesday, February 14, in the area of the MTS Hall (Press Room) in Belgrade.
The info day program includes: presentation of the Creative Europe program, guidelines and conditions for applying, financial framework for project preparation, as well as practical advice for the development of project ideas.
On the second day, the lecture “Digital and media literacy – knowledge and skills for the new age” will be held by Dr. Anna Martinoli, full professor at FDU, as well as the presentation of the “Scale up Media Coach” project of the Institute for Media and Diversity – Western Balkans, which was supported at last year’s competition for media literacy projects.
We invite representatives of the media, journalistic and media associations, as well as all organizations in the field of information and media, who want to be informed about the conditions of this competition, to register their participation by filling out a short application.
Monday, February 13, Press Room of the MTS Hall
11.00 a.m.  – 11.45 a.m. Mission and priorities of the Creative Europe program, Dimitrije Tadić, head of the Desk Una Domazetoski, manager of MEDIA Desk Serbia
11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Presentation of the guidelines of the Competition for media partnership projects, Milan Đorđević,  project manager
12.30 p.m. – 12.45 p.m. Break
12.45 p.m. – 13.15 p.m. Presentation of the financial framework of tenders and project proposals, Ana Ćosić, financial consultant
13.15 p.m.– 14.00 p.m. Consultations with service
Tuesday, February 14, Press Room of the MTS Hall
11.00 a.m. – 11.45 a.m. Lecture “Digital and media literacy – knowledge and skills for the new age”,     Ana Martinoli, Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade
11.45 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. Break
12.00 p.m. – 12.45 p.m. Presentation of the guidelines of the Competition for media literacy projects,   Milan Đorđević, project menager
12.45 p.m. – 13.00 p.m. Break
13.00 p.m. – 13.30 p.m. Presentation of the project “Scale up Media Coach”, Ivana Jelača, Institute for Media and Diversity – Western Balkans
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