Equipment for athletes with disabilities was delivered within the project “Parainspired”

Within the project “Social integration through parasport – Parainspired!“ in which also participates the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, a van and sports equipment for disabled athletes were provided.

The handover was organized within the Sports Fair, and in addition to the van, the donation also included 10 wheelchairs and sports equipment for training of disabled athletes. The total value of this donation is € 70 000.

Vladimir Batez, Provincial Secretary for Sports and Youth, is pleased to see today the first concrete results of the “Parainspired“ Project, which is of utmost importance for the development of both recreational and competitive sports among persons with disabilities.

“For the first time, our paralympic athletes have at their disposal a van that is adequately equipped and will serve them for competitions, training and other activities. And in this way, we wanted to support our paralympics, who, for years, have been the best promotion of Serbia,” Batez said, recalling that they had brought two golds and four silver medals from the last European Championship.

During the 15 months of the Parainspired Project, a series of activities has been envisaged to increase the participation of persons with disabilities in sports activities in the border area and to create conditions for greater accessibility of sports infrastructure to persons with disabilities.

The promotion of the project and the donations were also attended by our golden Paralympians, as well as representatives of sports organizations of disabled people. Otherwise, the project “Parainspired!” Is being promoted by one of the best Paralympics in the world, Zlatko Kessler, who heads the Paralympic Union of Vojvodina and Borislava Perić Ranković – the best table tennis player in the world.

Пројекат „Parainspired!“ се реализује у оквиру ИПА II програма прекограничне сарадње Србија – Босна и Херцеговина 2014 – 2020. Заједнички га спроводе Покрајински секретаријат за спорт и омладину, као водећи партнер, Фонд „Европски послови“ АП Војводине, Општина Инђија и Олимпијски комитет Босне и Херцеговине. Укупна вредност пројекта је 263.914,43 евра, а Европска унија га кофинансира са 224.32,27 евра.

The “Parainspired!“ Project is implemented under the IPA II Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. It is jointly implemented by the Provincial Secretariat for Sports and Youth, as lead partner, the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Indjija Municipality and the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The total value of the project is EUR 263,914.43, and it is co-financed by the European Union with EUR 224.32,27.