Our projects presented at the Tourism Fair

The European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina has held a presentation at the Tourism Fair. Our institution was presented by Director Vidosava Enderić and Jelena Tosković as part of the presentation of the Fund’s project activities. Jelena Vidovič, consultant for EU funds of the Gorenjska Regional Development Agency, Slovenia, and Gordana Dimitrijević, consultant for EU funds at the Office for Local Economic Development, Novi Sad, also spoke about the sources of financing for tourism projects.

Vidosava Enderić, director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, said that “tourism generates the development of the whole country. In this multi-annual programming period, the European Union allocated EUR 1.5 billion for Serbia. I can proudly say that of the total number of projects the European Union approved for the country, about 90% has been implemented in Vojvodina“, and invited all those present to become even more involved in the European perspective of our country. “Bearing in mind that about 70 tourism projects are being implemented all over Serbia today, and that they are worth around 35 million euros, one should not have a dilemma how much tourism can help the overall development of our country”, said Director Enderić.

Jelena Tosković, European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina presented the EU projects that the Fund was implementing in the field of tourism, the guest from Slovenia presented examples of best practice in Slovenia, and the representative of OLED presented funding opportunities for tourism projects.