Presentation on the priorities of Finland’s EU Presidency by the Ambassador of Finland

The presentation by the Ambassador of Finland to Serbia, Kimo Lahdevirta, held at the Egység  Cultural Station on Tuesday, 17 Spetember 2019, was attended by the Director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, and her associates, Teodor Milkov Manić and Kristina Bašić.  Ambassador Lahdevirta outlined the priorities of Finland’s six-month EU Presidency, under the slogan ‘Sustainable Europe – Sustainable Future’. The priorities of the Finnish Presidency are strengthening of common values ​​and the rule of law, competitiveness and social inclusion, assuming the role of global leader in the fight against climate change and overall protection of citizens’ security. Finland took over the Presidency of the Council of the Euroepan Union from Romania on 1 July this year.

Director Enderić used the oppotunity to inform Ambassador Lahdevirta about the work and plans of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina. An agreement was made to implenet  joint activities in the future to enhance the Europeanisation of our country.

After the presentaiton, at 1 pm, the exhibition “Finnish Innovative Design” was opened, which was realized in cooperation with the Foundation “Novi Sad 2021”.

The presentation and exhibition marked the beginning of the Days of Finnish Culture, which will last until 22 September, and involve lectures, workshops and presentations aimed at bringing Finnish culture and art closer to the local audience.