Presentation of Recommendations for local self-government units at a round table in Sombor within the Mos Cross project

A round table at which the Recommendations for Local Self-government Units on Preparedness for Epidemics of Mosquito-Borne Diseases (MBD), developed within the framework of the “Mosquito Control in Cross-border Area – Mos-Cross” project, was presented was held at the County Hall in Sombor on 28th May 2019.

On behalf of the Public Health Institute Sombor, primarius MD Msc Dragoslava Čubrilo presented the Mos-Cross project. Dr Jelena Zelić gave a lecture on the epidemiological characteristics of the West Nile fever, as well as on the eco-friendly treatment of mosquitoes, whereas Dr Srđan Mererei spoke about the legal basis for mosquito control.

In addition to the Mos-Cross project team members, the round table was attended by the representative of the municipal administration of Sombor and local self-governments.  The Recommendations for Local Self-government Units on Preparedness for Epidemics of Mosquito-Borne Diseases were presented to the participants and the project promotional material was distributed.

The “Mosquito Control in Cross-border Area – Mos-Cross” project, which is being implemented under the Interreg IPA CBC Croatia-Serbije, aims to improve the provision of public health services in West Bačka District and Osijek Baranya County regarding early detection of mosquito-borne diseases (MBDs). The project is being jointly implemented by the Public Health Institute Sombor, Institute of Public Health for the Osijek-Baranya County and European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina.