The start of the 6th cycle of the Specialized Programme “Management of Regional Development through EU Funds”

A new series of lectures within the Specialised Programme “Management of Regional Development through EU Funds”, which the Fund has been successfully organizing for years, has started with the welcoming remarks given by Vidosava Enderić, Director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina and prof. Aleksandar Andrejević PhD, Rector of the University of Educons.

Director Enderić informed the participants about the most important facts about the programme.

“The Specialied Programme ‘Management of Regional Development through EU Funds’ has been successfully completed by over 200 participants from 28 municipalities of Vojvodina, representatives of the administration, schools, citizens’ associations, cultural institutions, public utility companies, NGOs – all those who can be beneficiaries of EU funds. The next cycle of the lectures will also be organised in cooperation with the Educons University and the financial support of the Provincial Government, of which we are very proud. This spring as well you will be listening to foreign lecturers, experts in their fields, experts in project related work,” said Director Enderić.

Welcoming the participants, Prof. Aleksandar Andrejević PhD thanked on the cooperation so far and congratulated the participants because they were ready to work on themselves and acquire new and necessary knowledge and skills.

Based on the call for proposals, 44 students were enrolled in the sixth cycle of the Specialised Programme.