MOS-Cross 3 Mosquito Control in Cross-border Area 3 (MOS-Cross 3)

MOS-Cross 3

Mosquito Control in Cross-border Area 3 (MOS-Cross 3)

Source of funding Interreg IPA CBC Croatia-Serbia 2014-2020
Project partners 1.    Public Health Institute Sombor, Serbia
2.    European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia
3.    Teaching Institute of Public Health for the Osijek-Baranya County, Croatia 
Area of intervention Public health
Project start 01. Feb 2023 – 31. Oct 2023
Project description Objective:
To maximise results achieved by MOS-Cross project and improve the quality of public health services and skills by expanding scope of trained health professionals for mosquito surveillance and sampling methods for mosquito borne diseases (MBD) detection to North-Bačka District and Vukovar-Srijem County, thus creating synergies and broadening the scope of existing networks and services, by organizing an international scientific conference to raise awareness and provide specific knowledge to relevant CB stakeholders, by purchasing equipment for mosquito surveillance and laboratory equipment, by disseminating the jointly developed protocols, recommendations to increase their application to new geographic areas and new target groups with special focus on children and elderly population.Expected results:
1.    Trained local health professionals
2.    Public and vulnerable groups educated and empowered against MBD

Main activities:
1.    Organization of trainings for local health professionals;
2.    Organization of international scientific conference;
3.    Education of elderly and children on MBD health awareness;
4.    Upgrading existing system by purchasing laboratory and mosquito surveillance equipment;
5.    Project management

Target groups:
Local self-government units, citizens (elderly population and children), professional public and health workers


Further information
You can see all news about project – Mosquito Control in Cross-border Area 3 (MOS-Cross 3)