The priorities of the Romanian Presidency presented at the Assembly of AP Vojvodina

Romania’s Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia, Oana Cristina Popa has presented the priorities of Romania’s EU Presidency at the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The presentation was organized by the Info Point of the European Union in Novi Sad, and on behalf of the hosts, the participants were greeted by Dmitar Stanišić, Chairman of the Committee for European Integration and Interregional Cooperation of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina.
On January 1, Romania took over the rotating six-month presidency of the European Union, which is being implemented in coordination with the Presidential Troika also comprise of Finland and Croatia. The slogan of the Romanian presidency is “Cohesion as a Common European Value”.
Presenting Romania’s EU presidency priorities, Romania’s Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia, Oana Cristina Popa said that Romania’s priorities during the presidency would be to ensure fair and sustainable development through increased convergence, cohesion, innovation, digitization and connectivity, moreover, to strengthen Europe’s security, to strengthen the role of the European Union as a global leader and to preserve common European values.
Ambassador Oana Cristina Popa emphasied that among the priorities would be the Western Balkans and the EU enlargement. “During the EU Presidency, as well as after that period, Romania will advocate that the inclusion of the Western Balkans countries remains in the agenda of the European Union, especially given that Romania, after the presidency, will also participate in the trio presidency of the European Union, together with Croatia and Finland” , added Oana Cristina Popa.
Today’s presentation of the priorities of the Presidency of Romania to the European Union was also attended by the representatives of the Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development, Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government, European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, municipalities and others stakeholders.