On EU projects in Opovo and Kovačica

On Tuesday, 30th October 2018, the representatives of the European Affairs Fund of the AP Vojvodina, Milan Čežek and Zoran Pavić, as well as the representative of the Development Agency of Vojvodina, Živko Planić, visited the municipalities of Opovo and Kovačica.

In Opovo they were welcomed by Miloš Markov, Deputy Mayor, Goran Fogl, Assistant President of the Municipality, Slavko Mančev, Head of Department for Economy and Finance, whereas in the municipality of Kovačica by Daniel Magdu, Head of Department for Investments and Local and Economic Development and his associates.

The municipality of Opovo has submitted a project application for the social inclusion of Roma under the INTERREG IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program Romania – Serbia. The representatives of the municipality are interested in enhancing their project activities. They were informed about the elements and procedures necessary for formulating successful project proposals under EU calls, as well as about a possible solution of the reconstruction of the water supply network, which was planned in the following period.

The municipality of Kovačica had a good result regarding the projects within the framework of the INTERREG IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program Romania – Serbia, where the measures and priorities were environmental protection and attractiveness for sustainable tourism.

The representatives of both municipalities expressed the need to train their staff in the forthcoming period so that they could optimize the use the EU funds. An agreement was made for the European Affairs Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina to organize the training course “EU Funding Opportunities” in the already agreed timeframe.