Field visit within the X DEGREE project

A working meeting of the project partners has been held in Osijek, where the discussion involved the ongoing activities and the following steps within the “EXploitation of Different Energy sources for GREen Energy production- X DEGREE” project.
Owing to the EU co-funding, the project achievements so far are the following: the installation of a biogas plant at the Sombor water supply network is expected until the end of the month, a mobile laboratory has arrived at the University of Novi Sad where silage analysis to obtain recipes for the production of biogas will be carried out, and the Osijek Institute has removed silage for the needs of analysis and recipes.
The representatives of partner institutions (University of Novi Sad, Public Utility Company “Vodokanal” Sombor, European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Vinkovci Water Supply and Sewerage Ltd. Croatia, and Agricultural Institute Osijek) visited the agro-chemical laboratory of the Agricultural Institute Osijek, where there was a demonstration of the operation of the seed analyzer that showed the quality and condition of seed: humidity, gluten and starch rate, etc. After the meeting, the partners made a field visit to the village of Budrovci near Djakovo, where the storage and appearance of the silage were inspected, and samples for analysis in the mobile laboratory were also taken.