ENSURE project meeting held in Spain

The representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Sanja Čuturilov Veselinović, Tijana Krstić Maravić and Milan Čežek, who are also members of the ENSURE project team, visited San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain 6-8 June 2018, to attend the third international partner meeting. The event brought together participants from Slovenia, Serbia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Greece, Montenegro, Italy, Hungary and Romania, while the Madrid Municipality was the host of the event. During the three-day programme, the partners dealt with various topics corresponding to the main theme of the event – “Local versus European”. The representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina informed the project partners about the successfully implemented series of lectures “History and the Creation of the European Union” aimed the elementary school pupils of the municipality of Zrenjanin, which were held from March to April 2018 within the “European Village” event. Within the framework of the event, the ENSURE project was also promoted. The second day was marked by the conference which was opened by María Luz Lastras, Mayor of San Martín de Valdeiglesias, and Guillermo Hita, President of the Alliance of Municipalities of Madrid. The local and regional development strategy was presented to the participants by the representatives of the Alliance of Municipalities of Madrid, the Directorate General for Agriculture and the local action groups of Madrid. The representatives of the Alba County, Romania, presented the role of public institutions in rural areas. In addition to the workshops, which were aimed at informing the participants about the examples of best practice of the EU programmes, sightseeing tours to facilities that received EU funding were organized during the visit.