Round table “Support for the Municipalities of Bačka and Srem through EU funds“

The round table “Support for the Municipalities of Bačka and Srem through EU funds“, aimed at building the capacities of municipalities and cities of AP Vojvodina, was held at the premises of Vojvodina Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, 26 April 2018. The event was organized by the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina.

The welcoming remarks were given by Jovan Podraščanin, Assistant Provincial Secretary for Regional Development, Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-government, and Gabriella Haas, Assistant Director for European Cooperation, European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina. Tijana Krstić Maravić, Fund’s representative, presented the Interreg IPA CBC Programme Croatia-Serbia, whilst Ana Muškinja, Foreign Direct Investments Advisor, Vojvodina Development Agency, informed the participants about the work of the Agency and manners in which the municipal representatives could contact them. Mihael Plac, Head of the Department for Local Economic Development, City of Sombor, and Tomislav Janković, President of the City Council of Sremska Mitrovica, who had achieved excellent results in EU projects implementation, and thus attracted substantial funds to their municipalities, shared their experience in project development and gave examples of good practice, as an incentive for other municipalities of Bačka and Srem planning to submit appliccaions under some of the EU funded programmes.