A meeting with representatives of organizations from the municipality of Nova Crnja

Vidosava Enderić, Director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, received the representatives of organizations from the municipality of Nova Crnja. The main topic of the meeting was mutual cooperation and support to the civil sector in the municipality of Nova Crnja.

The areas which should be enhanced in the first place were environmental protection, social inclusion, development of tourism and employment. It was agreed that first the potential project proposals were to be defined and once they were shaped, they should be submitted as applications under the ongoing call within the Cross-border Cooperation Programme with Romania, as well as under other calls which would be opened in 2018. Moreover, the representatives of the municipality of Nova Crnja were invited to apply for the call within the Fund’s Programme “Management of Regional Development through EU Funds“, which would contribute to the capacity for absorption of EU funds in the territory of the municipality.