A working visit to the city of Subotica

In order to intensify cooperation with Vojvodina local self-governments, the representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Milan Čežek, Nemanja Davidović, Zoran Pavić and Jelena Radosavljević Rovčanin, have visited the city of Subotica and held a meeting with the representatives of the City Administration, Simonida Pavićević, Secretariat for Economy, Local Economic Development and Tourism (Department for Local Economic Development) and her associates.

The topic of the discussion was the ongoing European projects of Subotica. One of them was being implemented within the Danube Transnational Programme, while three projects were being implemented within the framework of the cross-border cooperation program with Hungary and Croatia. During the discussion, the representatives of the Fund were informed about the challenges in the implementation of the projects. The representatives of the city of Subotica announced their plans to solve some of the key problems of the city of Subotica and its surroundings, such as the problem of a high level of groundwater, by submitting applications under future calls of the European Union. Future cooperation was agreed in the form of training courses on project development, consultation with the experienced staff of the Fund, as well as possible joint partnership on some projects of common interest.