

Opportunities for Cross Border Cooperation

Projects that increase employment opportunities and social rights, improve the quality of health and social institutions, as well as those that promote tourism, protection of cultural heritage and nature will be the focus of the new Cross Border Cooperation programme…

(Српски) Реализован осми и девети циклус предавања у оквиру III модула Специјалистичког програма – Управљање регионалним развојем кроз ЕУ фондове

In the previous period, the “European Affairs” Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina successfully delivered lectures within the third module of the eighth and ninth cycles of the Specialist Program “Management of Regional Development through EU Funds”. Through the…

Held training “Possibility of financing through EU funds” in the Association of Independent Trade Unions of the City of Novi Sad and Municipalities

The “European Affairs” Fund of AP Vojvodina held another in a series of trainings for independent formulation of project proposals with the aim of training participants to attract grants from European Union funds and programs through strategic positioning within defined…