Presentation of the document “To European funds by means of the standard” in Stara Pazova

The European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina has held an informative presentation of the document “To European funds by means of the standard” in the municipality of Stara Pazova for the representatives

The European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina has held an informative presentation of the document “To European funds by means of the standard” in the municipality of Stara Pazova for the representatives of local authority, public enterprises, educational institutions, citizens’ associations and the media.

Having obtained the candidate status, Serbia’s accession to the EU is undergoing changes in the form and rules of implementation. When the EU grants Serbia a decentralized management of EU funds, the opportunities for funding local authorities and private entities will significantly increase. If the accession process continues according to the plans, the stakeholders in AP Vojvodina will be able to apply for European funds under IPA 3, 4 IPA and IPA 5 commencing in 2015.

Therefore, the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, in cooperation with the Provincial Secretary for Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-government, the Agency for Balanced Regional Development of AP Vojvodina and regional development agencies, has prepared the document “To European funds by means of the standard”, which is now being presented in the province. The aim of the presentation is to promote the “Vojvodina Standard” in order to prepare the institutions in the region for the new phase of regional development and improvement of conditions for the absorption of IPA funds in the following period of accession, because the implementation of the document will be mandatory for all municipalities and towns in Vojvodina as of 2015.