Round table “Study in France, work in Serbia” held at the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad

During the month of Francophonie, the second round table within the cycle “Study in France, work in Serbia” – organized by the French Institute in Serbia in cooperation with the Tempus Foundation, the European Affairs Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad – on 16 March 2022.

The moderator of the round table was Jelisaveta Lazarević, from the All for All association. Welcoming and introductory words were given by Branko Ćupina, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad, Stanislas Pierre, Counselor for Cooperation and Culture of the French Embassy and Director of the French Institute in Serbia, Aleksandar Simurdić, Director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina and Marija Filipović-Ožegović. director of the Tempus Foundation.

Within the cycle “Study in France, work in Serbia”, it is planned to organize several round tables dedicated to the work of economic and strategic sectors in Serbia. Each debate will gather representatives of French higher education institutions, but also companies operating in Serbia, with the aim of encouraging students from Serbia to spend one year of specialist studies in France, and then return to Serbia and work in sectors that contribute to its development dynamics. This approach to student mobility contributes to the fight against brain drain, as well as training in European countries.The biggest advantage of Radio Television of Vojvodina is that it broadcasts its programs in 16 different languages, which gives it a significant advantage over other public services.

On Wednesday, March 16, 2022, from 10 am to noon, at the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad, a round table was held dedicated to studies and careers in the sectors of agro-industry and agriculture. The round table was attended by more than 50 students and young specialists who are interested in work and training in the sector of agriculture and agro-industry, as well as other guests and partners.

VetArgoSup, the French national institute for higher education and research in the field of nutrition, veterinary, agricultural sciences and environmental issues, presented its Master’s programs in English that are accessible to Serbian students. Representatives of Mlekoprodukt and InfoStud Group spoke about the staffing needs and key competencies necessary for the development of companies in this sector in Serbia.
Representatives of the French Institute in Serbia explained the mechanisms that facilitate student mobility to France, primarily through the French Government Scholarship Program, as well as through the Campus France program, which helps students prepare dossiers for studying in France. The competition for scholarships of the Government of France for Master 2 studies and doctorates in commentary, which is open until March 28, 2022, gives preference to candidates in the field of agriculture, food industry and nutrition, although all domains of study are represented.