“A Step Forward” of the Office for European Affairs in Zrenjanin

A lecture, out of a series named “A Step Forward” of the Office for European Affairs, will be held at the Assembly of Zrenjanin Municipality at 11.00 am, tomorrow, on 24 November.

The purpose of the seminar is to provide information on European integration processes, the institutional structure of the EU and EU legislation, Stabilisation and Association Agreement, as a specific instrument for establishing privileged relations between the EU and third countries, and negotiations between Serbia and the EU on the conclusion of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement.

The lecturers are the following lawyers: Prof. Dejan Janča, PhD, Mirna Rakić and Milana Kozomara, and Andrija Aleksić from the Office for European Affairs. The lectures are aimed at presenting European achievements to a greater number of people of Vojvodina, therefore, they are organised not only in larger centres but also in smaller places, which are unique by their characteristics.