KEN award presented to AP Vojvodina
Within the framework of KEN (Knowledge Economy Network) annual Forum in Maribor, an award for extraordinary accomplishments and high standards in multicultural education has been presented to AP Vojvodina. The award was received by representatives of the European Affairs Fund, Gabriella Haas and Dragana Srećkov Đaković. In the previous period, Vojvodina European Office in Brussels has presented the standards of AP Vojvodina in that domain on several occasions, which was a direct cause for the nomination and later for the given award.
Other awards for extraordinary accomplishments were presented to Japan – for successful reform of tertiary education system education system, Turkey – for contribution of public and private R&D funding to economic growth, Denmark – for successful and comprehensive innovation system, U.S. Small Business Administration – for support to SMEs and VC leveraging, and BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) – for special accomplishments in the domain of media and 80th anniversary of BBC World service. KEN Best Practise Awards for original and successful practise in the domain of education were presented to York University from Canada and South East European Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (SEECEL) from Croatia. According to explanation provided by the organisers, the purpose of the Award is to acknowledge exceptional achievement of policy makers and performance of stakeholders in various fields of knowledge economy, with particular emphasis on human capital. The key criteria of selection are: originality, effectiveness, and scope of impact of a certain policy, scheme or organisation, established with the purpose to contribute to knowledge economy developments in a country, a region, or a local community.