Virtual and Cultural Tourism (ViCTour)

Source of funding Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Serbia 2014-2020
Project partners
  1. Vukovar-Srijem County, Croatia
  2. Tourist Board of Vukovar-Srijem County, Croatia
  3. European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia
  1. Tourist Organization of Vojvodina, Serbia
  2. Faculty of Economics of the University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Area of intervention Tourism
Project start 15. Jun 2017 – 14. Oct 2019
Project description Overall objective:
To enhance continental tourism in the cross-border region in order to sustain social, economic and territorial development

Specific objectives:
(1) To develop an attractive, dynamic and competitive tourism promotion in order to raise the attractiveness of the cross-border region

Expected results:
(1) Recognized identity of the region

(2) Level of tourist promotion improved

(3) Capacities of tourist services providers improved

(4) Increased visibility of tourist offer of cross-border region

Main activities:
(1) Marketing plans for Srijem/Srem developed

(2) Improved tourist offer, application of new ITC and introduction of systematic innovation

(3) Education to build the capacity of tourist operators by applying practical knowledge and developing new skills

(4) Development of promotional mechanisms and introduction of new technologies at certain tourist sites
(5) Project management

Target groups:
– local public authorities – tourist boards, municipal organisation board and museum

– sectoral agencies – travel/tourist agencies

– enterprises – accommodation facilities, restaurants; SMEs in tourism sector

– general public

Further information
You can see all news about project – Virtual and Cultural Tourism (ViCTour)