Employees from the province on training in Italy

A ten-member delegation of the Autonomus Province of Vojvodina and institutions established by the province are at the moment on training at the administration bodies of the Italian region of Friuli–Venezia Giulia, which will last for several days. It has been organised by the Office for European Affairs under the Protocol on Cooperation between the two provinces, which was signed on 17 April 2003. During their stay in Italy, the representatives of the Provincial Secretariat of Science and Technological Development, Provincial Secretariat for Sports and Youth, Provincial Secretariat for Labour, Employment and Gender Equality, Development Fund, Guarantee Fund, Vojvodina CESS and VIP Fund will receive training at bodies compatible to their parent ones and after that they will spend several days in companies in relevant sectors.
Otherwise, the whole visit, which has almost completely been financed by Italian partners, has been realized as a part of the Initiative of Socio-Economic Development of Vojvodina (ISSER project), within the framework of which Italian experts held seminars at the secretariats and development agencies in the province for over a year and a half.
”I expect that our stay in Italy will result in new projects of mutual importance for both regions. This on-the-spot training and encounter between administration representatives is an invaluable experience because in that way strong ties are being developed between our two provinces”, said Ivana ?urica from the Office for European Affairs, in charge of cooperation with Italy.