The Office for European Affairs “on tour” in Opovo

“The tour of the Office for European Affairs” has been held at the premises of Opovo Municipality on Friday. It was another one in a series of seminars aimed at employees at local self-government, district, chambers of commerce, administration and justice and other relevant institutions and interested citizens. The main topic of the educational and informative seminar was to present to institutions, organisations and associations the chances offered by the EU through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), prospects of financing through the financial instruments of the EU, expected calls for proposals in the following year, project activities, etc. In addition to presenting the work of the Office and Cross-border Cooperation (CBC) Programmes, Dražen Lovrić, representative of the Office for European Affairs gave further information about the prospects offered by EU funds related to rural development.
Opovo Municipality has already had experience with applying under CBC Programmes, and institutions from the territory of the municipality have announced their preparation of project proposals in culture, revitalisation of water tower and tourism.