A concert of Spanish artists in Bečej, on the basis of cooperation between the Office for European Affairs and the Music Festival “Nei Suoni dei Luoghi” (In the Sounds of Places)
Concerts of young Italian and Spanish artists are being held in some places of our province these days, on the basis of long cooperation between the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the Italian region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, which is developed through the Office for European Affairs. On that occasion, the representatives of the Office for European Affairs attended a concert yesterday at the Town Theatre in Bečej.
“The municipality of Bečej signed a cooperation agreement with the Office for European Affairs in May and I have to say that in this short period of time the cooperation has been fruitful and we are pleased. We were in the position to send our representative as a member of the delegation who visited Graz and Styria, along with other four municipalities of Vojvodina, which the Office for European Affairs organised. We handed to our colleagues in Graz a CD on investment possibilities in Bečej, which otherwise we would not be able to do. In addition, we are interested in the Cross-border Cooperation (CBC) Programme to be realised with Croatia, for which we have joint our efforts with the Office for European Affairs to find partners. Apart from that, our coordinator visits regularly the Open Doors, which the Office for European Affairs, and she always returns with a lot of useful information. Last night, a musical event, a concert of two young Spanish artists was held here, which we organised with the Office for European Affairs. On the basis of cooperating with the Office for European Affairs, we expect to establish contacts with EU regions and cities, where we could find potential investors, who are most needed. We support such a type of cooperation, it is efficient, rapid and beneficial”, said Peter Knezi, President of Bečej Municipality.