New opportunities for promotion of economic potentials of AP Vojvodina

In the premises of the APV Office in Brussels on October 4, 2021. a meeting was held between the representatives of the union of self-employed entrepreneurs- UNIZO, Mr. Koen De Ridder, who is in charge of international cooperation within this organization, and the head of the AP Vojvodina Office in Brussels, Srdjan Mackić.
The topic of the meeting was organization of a webinar that should take place in the first half of December, at which UNIZO members would be introduced to the economic potentials of AP Vojvodina as well as possibilities for including our companies as suppliers in their supply chains. As Mr. De Rider pointed out during the meeting, Flemish companies are facing great challenges in supplying various goods and services from distant markets such as China and Turkey, which are conditioned primarily by the global pandemic and rising of the logistics costs. In that sense, Flemish companies are increasingly interested in the markets of Central and Eastern European countries, and thus the market of AP Vojvodina, id est the Republic of Serbia, imposes itself as one of the possible sources of supply.
UNIZO is the largest business association in Flanders which gathers over 100,000 members, mostly in of small and medium enterprises that form basis of the economy of this region.
Due to difficulty with travel conditions and organizing events with physical presence, it was agreed that, in cooperation with the Development Agency of Vojvodina and the Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina, a webinar will be organized to present the above mentioned potentials and open other issues to establish closer economic cooperation within two regions.