New competitions for mobility music and literary translation

The i-Portunus Creative Europe pilot project continues to fund the mobility of artists and cultural professionals through another project cycle. Currently, two new competitions have been opened, namely: a competition to support the mobility projects of artists in the field of music, and a competition to support the mobility of translators of literary works.
Who can apply?
• composers, musicians and singers, primarily in the genres of classical music, jazz and traditional music;
• literary translators;
What projects are supported by this competition?
Short-term mobility is supported in the context of:
• international cooperation;
• residences oriented to new production;
• professional development activities.
When can projects be realized?
The projects refer to the mobility of artists and professionals in culture between June 1 and November 30, 2021, if conditions allow. Projects can last between 7 and 60 days.
How much support can be expected?
The maximum amount of funding for a mobility project per person is 3,000 euros.
How to apply?
To apply, you need to open an account on and fill in the application form. The deadline for submitting applications is February 28, 2021.
Additional information can be found on the i-Portunus project website:
I-Portunus is a new initiative of the European Commission in terms of testing models to support the development of mobility in culture across Europe.