Dear Sir/Madam,
In accordance with the current situation, and on the basis of the Decision on Declaration of State of Emergency (“Official Gazette of the RS” No. 29/2020), Regulation on the Organisation of Employers during the State of Emergency (“Official Gazette of the RS” No. 31/2020) , Art. 1. Provincial Government Orders No. 82-5 / 2020 of March 16, 2020
that the European Affairs Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, during the state of emergency, continues to operate, and that all necessary information regarding the operation of the Fund can be found on the website:, and as follows:
– for information on Support of Local Authorities through FEP tours and projects, by calling the following telephone numbers: +381 21 310 20 89; +381 21 310 20 93 or by email:
– for information on Specialised Programme “Management of Regional Development through EU Funds“ by calling the following telephone numbers: +381 21 310 20 89; +381 21 310 20 93 or by email
– for information on the “Еuropean village“event, by calling the following telephone numbers: +381 21 310 20 89; +381 21 310 20 93 or by email:
– for information on the ongoing projects, by calling the following telephone numbers: +381 21 310 20 80, +381 21 310 20 82 or by email: and
– for information on the Open Doors and Project Proposal Assesment, by calling the following telephone number: +381 21 310 20 93 or by email:
– for information on the training course “EU Funding Opportunities”, by calling the following telephone number: +381 21 310 20 93 or by email:
All meetings, as well as the training course “EU Funding Opportunities”, during the state of emergency, will be realized electronically, or by other appropriate means (video link, video call, etc.).
Your European Affairs Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina