Training course “EU Funding Opportunities” for representatives of the Provincial Government

Based on a long-term cooperation with the Department of Human Resources Management of AP Vojvodina regarding the organization of training courses, a three-day training course “EU Funding Opportunities” was held for 15 representatives of the Provincial Government on 29-31 May.
The representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina Mina Radmilovic Pjevac, Jelena Radosavljević Rovčanin and Sanja Čuturilov Veselinović presented the cross-border cooperation programmes funded under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, as well as the EU programmes.
The participants learned about how to transfer their project ideas into EU projects by means of the logical framework and logical matrix. On the last day of the training course, the representatives of the Provincial Government were instructed in the basics of project budgeting, as well as parts of the application form to apply for available EU funds.
After lectures and hands-on experience, the attendees were awarded a certificate.