The representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Jelena Tošković and Jelena Radosavljević Rovčanin have held a three-day training course “EU Funding Opportunities” to the employees of the Office for Local and Economic Development and representatives of the association for assisting persons with an intellectual disability, Centre for Social Work, as well as employees of three elementary schools, a grammar school and a secondary school in the municipality.

At the beginning, the participants were informed about the EU programmes and Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, with an emphasis on the INTERREG IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes. The essence of the training was how to develop a project proposal using the logical framework and logic matrix approach, first explaining it the theory, and then by doing exercises, when the general and specific objectives, activities and results, as well as indicators, sources of verification and project risks were defined. In order to gain hands-on experience, the participants were divided into groups in accordance with their daily activities. The result of the NGO group was a project in which the activities focused on equipping adequately a space for day-care for people with disabilities. The second group comprised of representatives of elementary and secondary education sector developed a project proposal aimed at the prevention and awareness raising of the youth and parents about the harms of psychoactive substances. On the last day, the trainees obtained information about project budgeting, which they practically mastered doing a number of examples.