The REGIONAL socio-economic development programme II

The Overall Objective is to strengthen the capacities in Serbia for the design and implementation of a policy for balanced territorial socio-economic development aligned to EU accession requirements. The Specific Objective is to improve the capacities of the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) and other Regional and Municipal stakeholders in terms of employment creating interventions at the regional and sub-regional levels. This will be advanced through the establishment of a Grant Scheme which will provide financial support to projects focusing on employment creation as a direct consequence of cooperation between municipalities and other regional stakeholders at regional and sub-regional levels.
Applicants are Regional Development Agencies (RDAs), Municipalities or other relevant organisations which are located in one of the following (“eligible”) districts: Podunavski, Toplicki, Branicevski, Borski, Sumadijski, Pomoravski, Zajecarski, Zlatiborski, Moravicki, Raski, Nisavski, Pirotski, Jablanicki, Pcinjski, Severnobanatski, Srednjobanatski and Juznobanatski (Banat Region).
For each individual Grant award the minimum amount is €300,000 and for the maximum amount is €500,000.
A grant application must be made by a partnership of organisations from the eligible districts and this partnership must consist of at least three municipalities and/or RDAs from two eligible districts and those two districts must be contiguous. Each grant application is to be submitted by a Lead Partner (the applicant) responsible for the coordination of the partnership (partners and associates). The Lead Partner for the grant scheme must be a Municipality or a RDA located in one of the eligible districts. Other organisations, such as chambers of commerce, professional associations, entrepreneurs, educational and research institutions etc. can also participate as partners or associates. Please note that the prior registration in PADOR for applicants and their partners for this Call for proposal is obligatory.
The deadline for submission of proposals is 08/03/2010
Delegation of the European Commission to the Republic of Serbia Procurement Unit,
9th floor Vladimira Popovica 40/IX (GTC Avenue building, block 19a)
11070 New Belgrade, Republic of Serbia