Training course “EU Funding Opportunities” for the “Srce”Citizens’ Association

At the request of the “Srce” Citizens’ Association, the European Affairs Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina held a three-day training course from 5th to 7th April 2017 under the title “EU Funding Opportunities“ with the aim of informing the members of non-governmental sector and their volunteers about the theme of project financing.
During the training course, the attendees obtained information on the structure and prospects of applying within the framework of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) 2014-2020 with special focus on the cross-border cooperation programmes available to institutions of AP Vojvodina. The theoretical part of the training course was followed by the practical one, done in working groups, when the attendees had hands-on experience in developing their project ideas in cooperation with the lecturers. The presentation involved tools for project idea development, such as the problem and objective tree, logical framework and grouping of activities into working packages. In addition, the necessary steps and procedures prescribed by the European Union related to the budgeting of project proposals were presented by giving a practical example. After the training course, the participants were awarded a certificate on successful training completion.