Third training course “Entrepreneurial project development – availability of EU funds, preparation and development of project proposals“ in the framework of the action “Support to women in entrepreneurship“

The third training course “Entrepreneurial project development – availability of EU funds, preparation and development of project proposals“, in a series of three training courses, has been held in the framework of the action “Support to women in entrepreneurship“. It was organised by the EU Info Point Novi Sad, in cooperation with the Regional Development Agency Bačka and European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Bojana Blašković, Jovana Kontić i Čarna Zelјković, participated, as lecturers, in the implementation of the training course, which was held at the Regional Development Agency Bačka on 26-28 December 2016.
The training aimed at encouraging women to engage in entrepreneurship, supporting them in establishing a private business, as well as supporting the development and improvement of skills necessary for project proposal development. The trainees obtained detailed information about the opportunities and ways of applying for EU funds offered by the EU programmes and funds to institutions from the Republic of Serbia, with focus on entrepreneurship. The target group of training course were women, present and future entrepreneurs, and the topic aroused great interest of women from all parts of Vojvodina.
On the first day of the training course, the representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina talked about the available local, regional and EU programmes for project funding, with an emphasis on entrepreneurship, and Enterprise Europe Network (EEN). The second day of training was devoted to the practical part of training focused on the development of EU projects, techniques and skills, tools and analysis used in the process. On the final day, the participants obtained detailed information about EU project budgeting and the structure and steps for filling in the application form of a potential EU project.