Transnational meeting held within the PoWER project

A transnational partners’ meeting of the project “Ports as driving Wheels of Entrepreneurial Realm – PoWER”, co-financed by the European Union funds under the Adriatic-Ionian Interreg ADRION programme, was held in Rijeka on 11-12 July 2019.
The objective of the project, whose deadline for implementation is 31 December 2019, is to analyze energy demands and needs of port areas in the region, assist their development into innovation hubs, and create a network of innovation hubs aimed at joint cooperation and development. The European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina is one of the project partners, in addition the Institute for Construction Technologies – National Research Council of Italy (ITC-CNR), Confederation of Handcrafts and of SMEs – Association of the Province of Ravenna (CNA), Rijeka Development Agency Porin – Croatia, Center for Economic, Technological and Environmental Development Sarajevo (CETEOR) – BiH, Durres Municipality – Albania, the Cooperation and Development Institute of Tirana (CDI) – Albania, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas of Thessaloniki (CERTH) – Greece and Chamber of Thesprotia of Igoumenitsa – Greece.
The meeting in Rijeka gathered all the project team members, which the representatives of the European Affairs Fund APV, Jovana Rapajić, Jelena Radosavljević Rovčanin and Dejana Dobrić attended. The Funds’ representatives presented how the implementation of the communication plan and visibility of the project was developing and explained the upcoming activities, since the following international meeting was expected to be held in Novi Sad in October 2019.