“Open Doors” on European projects and EU funds
On the basis of great interest expressed by institutions and individuals related to the submission of project proposals, financed through pre-accession funds of the EU, as well as to training in project writing, the Office for European Affairs has set a permanent appointment for consultation held on Fridays from 10 am to 1 pm at the Department for EU Programmes (Master Centre Novi Sad Fair, Hajduk Veljkova 11, Official Entrance 5, Floor 6).
On the first Friday, the meeting with the representatives of the Office for European Affairs was attended by the representatives of “Agroglobe D.o.o.”, Centre for History and Democracy, “Alboks D.o.o”, NGOs: Studio virtual and DANIBUS Novi Sad, Association of Language Handicapped Persons “Pričalica”, Nursery School from Kula, Novi Sad Auto Moto Club and Public Utility Company Novi Sad Heating Plant. The attendees of the first presentation were mainly interested in the following topics: reconstruction and modernisation of heating line, possible training for staff related to EU funds, establishment of a modern system of education of pre-school children, design of a regional web portal and differential solution in an integrated approach to weed problem.