The 2nd Call for Poposals within the Inteerg IPA CBC Croatia Serbia is launched
The 2nd Call for Proposals within the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Serbia 2014-2020 has been open since 30 March 2018.
The Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Serbia 2014-2020 welcomes potential applicants to submit their Applications via electronic Monitoring System (eMS) until 5 July 2018 at 12:00h. The Call for Proposals is open for applications under all four Priority Axes and all specific objectives.
We invite all potential applicants to submit their applications via the eMS until 5 July 2018, at 12:00 o’clock.
Projects will be supported under the following priority areas:
1. Improving the quality of public social and health services in the programme area.
2. Protecting the environment and biodiversity, improving risk prevention and promoting sustainable energy and energy efficiency.
3. Contributing to the development of tourism and preserving cultural and natural heritage.
4. Enhancing competitiveness and developing business environment in the programme area.
The total amount of funds allocated to the 2nd Call is 17,915,469.24 EUR, out of which 15,228,148.85 EUR is Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) co-finaning, and 2,687,320.39 EUR is national co-financing.
For more information visit:
The Programme authorities will organize four information workshops in the Republic of Serbia in Subotica and Sremska Mitrovica and in the Republic of Croatia in Ilok and Našice to provide detailed information and practical advice to all interested potential applicants.
Information on the date and venue of the workshops will be published on the website of the Ministry for European Integration and on the Programme website: