Launching the project “Power of Knowledge” to improve young people’s business skills and transversal knowledge

On 20th November, there was a meeting at the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina to launch the Project “Power of Knowledge”, which would be implemented by the following institutions: Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management in Novi Sad, Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities, MENSA– NTC Department, NTCM Programme, and the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina.
The Project “Power of Knowledge” aims at raising young people’s awareness of the fact that knowledge and skills gained at institutes of higher education are vital for the development of competences and capabilities necessary for a successful career, as well as of fact that they are a necessary condition both for personal progress and for the progress of the society and state as a whole. The key project activities involve the production of material for secondary school graduates, creation of the web-portal that would contain relevant information about the topic covered by the project, lectures in secondary schools, participation in the media and organization of public forums. Furthermore, the project is in compliance with the Strategy for Development of Education in Serbia 2020 and it would be implemented alongside the development of the Youth Strategy 2015-2025.
The project has been supported so far by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities, Provincial Secretariat for Sports and Youth, Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development, Provincial Secretariat for Economy, Employment and Gender Equality, City of Novi Sad and Union of Employers of Serbia.